As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

– 1 Peter 4:10-11

A Christian Steward is defined as a disciple of Jesus who “receives God’s gifts gratefully, cultivates them responsibly, shares them lovingly in justice with others and returns them with increase to the Lord.” Stewardship is a way of life that comes from seeing everything as a gift from God, changing the way we see things.  The disciple is motivated by faith and a deep sense of gratitude, flowing from their faith, to a greater sharing of his/her time, talent and treasure with the Church and other worthy causes.  Time, talent, and treasure are all shared as a gift, in a planned, proportionate, thankful, and sacrificial manner.

Today more than ever there is a great need to strengthen our parishes as they, in turn, serve as a vital source of support to the communities. The heartbeat of our Church can be found in our parishes. The parish is the single most important unit of the Church.

It is in the parish that people and families become part of a worshipping and serving community. The parish is where they find faith and are encouraged to live their faith. Read more on parish stewardship from the Diocese of Charleston Website.

Saint Anne and Saint Jude Parish is able to continue the fine work in many areas of ministry because of your gifts of time, talent and treasure. Your generosity of God’s graces truly support our Church financially, morally and spiritually.

The Spirituality of Stewardship

Stewardship is rooted in scripture, recognizing we, as individuals, are not owners of our lives but rather are stewards or managers. Stewardship, quite simply, is recognizing that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God and being grateful and generous with those gifts.

Stewardship is a conversion journey of receiving God’s love and returning love to Him. A conversion requires prayer, reflection, and time to allow God to show us who we are and the person of love that we can become. Throughout the conversion experience, the disciple yearns to change and grow into the person God created them to be – a steward uniquely His own, but united in one Body through Jesus Christ. Stewardship transforms lives because of its love, and it is in this transformation process and conversion journey towards love that we give new life to the Church. “If you wish to come after me, you must deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me. For if you wish to save your life you will lose it, but if you lose your life for my sake you will save it.” (Luke 9: 23-24)

“The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.”

To be a Christian steward is to take responsibility for the gifts that God has given us – which is everything – and use them well. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. Think about it. These gifts are only for our temporary use and primarily for helping our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Stewards gratefully receive everything from God. Because they recognize that God is the origin of all that they have, they develop these gifts and do not hoard them selfishly. Rather, they generously share them with God and others.

Stewardship calls each of us to make God the priority in all things. The spirituality of stewardship calls us to continually grow in our friendship with and service of Jesus Christ. It’s being an authentic disciple. Stewardship is a way of living, not a program offered through a parish.

Stewardship is not about the needs of the parish, though there are certainly many needs. Instead, it’s about our need to return to God with grateful hearts a proportionate share of the time, talent, and treasure He has entrusted to each of us.

Time is the most limited resource we have. Once it has passed, we can’t get it back and we can’t make more. People often say that they “don’t have enough time” – but God gives us all the time that we need. We must ask ourselves: How am I choosing to use my time? Does it reflect my priorities? Am I intentional about putting down technology to have an uninterrupted conversation with God in prayer? How about with my family? What is one thing I can do today to be more generous with the time with which God has blessed me?

Every skill, talent, and ability is a gift from God. He doesn’t give them to us to keep for ourselves, but to bless others and build His kingdom. Our talents are God’s gift to us, what we do with them is our gift to God.

Our call to practice Stewardship of Talent is an invitation to discern where and how the Spirit is calling us to serve. God has given each of us unique skills and abilities to share. As our talents develop and circumstances change, we listen to how God is calling us to use our gifts. But no matter what, He is calling each one of us!

Treasure might be the word most often associated with stewardship. Unfortunately, many reduce this beautiful spirituality to just a “nice way to ask for money.” It’s important to remember that stewardship encompasses everything, so of course our finances are included! We don’t get upset with stewardship in the context of time and talent, so why is it that feathers are often ruffled at the first mention of treasure?

Money has a way of taking hold of us, but Jesus warns that we cannot serve both God and wealth (Matthew 6:24). The giving of our money is a manifestation of our values and beliefs. God blesses us with the talents we use to earn our money. Out of gratitude for what we have been given, we give back to God. It’s a sacrifice. When we make a sacrifice, we offer something of value to God, which makes it holy. Yes, when set apart for the work of God, our money is made holy! No one can serve two masters. Which do you serve?

We know it’s enough when we can no longer make excuses about the size of our gift, how we spend our time, or the ways that we use our talents. It should be sacrificial. We must be sincere and able to say that we are being honest with God and with ourselves. Stewards are joyful people! Take time to reflect on God’s blessings with gratitude and look for the presence of both peace and joy throughout the journey of stewardship.

Like in the miracle of the multiplication of loaves, Jesus blesses the little bit we offer so that we can share it with those around us. What do you offer?

Parish Stewardship: United in Faith, Strengthened by Hope, Active in Charity

Ways to support our St. Anne & St. Jude Parish


How do I volunteer?

Please look at the volunteer opportunities and see what areas God is calling you to serve and call the Parish office or sign up below.

Religious Education: Religious Education for K(4) through 8th Grade is every Wednesday from  5:45pm -7:00PM. If you would like to help in teaching the faith through Religious Education Program, assisting catechists, or helping the front desk. Please join our Awesome Team. This requires 1 and ½ hours a week.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry: Are you interested in forming the faith of our youth?  The Youth and Young Adult Ministry wants you.  Come be a part of our dynamic team.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): If you are interested in being a presenter and sharing your faith with our participants who are discerning to be Catholics or refreshing their knowledge on the Catholic Faith. OR if you would just want to assist to program with its meals and other needs, This is for you!

Choir: We encourage all who would like to share their talents through singing by participating in the choir. Please check which Mass times you regularly go and serve in the celebration of the Mass through leading the congregation in singing. –  5PM, 8AM, 1:00AM, 12AM Spanish, 5PM

Building and Grounds: Our Parish has two campuses and several buildings. If you are interested in helping for a couple of hours a week or month to help in the upkeep of our facilities, we need you.

Disciples like YOU make us what we are. We can’t do it without YOU!!

Please call the Parish office if you are interested in giving your time to serve the needs of our Parish. Tel. (803) 773-3524; (803) 773-9244

Catholic Appeal of South Carolina

(Formerly BAA – Bishop’s Annual Appeal)

Contact Frank Costas for more information: