SASJ Women’s Guild supports mission of the Parish, the Pastor and Parish Community. Its function is to advance and offer spiritual guidance, goodwill, and camaraderie to both the Church and the Parish Community, to aid SASJ and our local, state, and global communities through fundraising initiatives as well as to participate in diverse charitable endeavors as proposed by our members and sanctioned by the Pastor.

Activities such as:

Annual our yard sale

Our Coat Give Away

Bake Sale The weekend before Thanksgiving

Christmas gift giving to Disabilities and Special Needs on Electric Drive, and S.C. Dept. of Mental Health Center on North Pike West

Provide  meals after funerals, receptions for RCIA and Confirmation and other needs as they arise.

Monthly meal for the homeless. The shelter is located on North Wise Drive, we are scheduled the third Tuesday on each month.

President-Noreen Wall,