The mission of the SASJ Catholic Youth of Sumter is to embrace teens in our vibrant and caring parish community and meet them where they are by providing opportunities for them to:

  • grow in their relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit
  • build a community with other Catholic teens
  • learn more about their Catholic faith
  • develop leadership abilities by serving others
  • have fun in a faith-filled environment

We believe that young people are an important and integral part of our parish community. Our Youth Ministry Program seeks to foster maturing in faith of the youth of our parish and the surrounding community. Through a variety of programs, events and outreach, we seek to draw young people into responsible participation in the life, work and mission of our parish community. We believe this ministry is to, with, by, and for young people and is a blessing for our entire community.


Weekly meetings – Wednesdays at 6:00 PM-8:00 PM in the HIVE youth group room in the St. Anne Parish Hall

High School Youth Group 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Middle School and High School 7:00 – 8:00PM

Purpose: Provide a weekly opportunity for the youth of our parish to gather to develop Catholic relationships and increase their faith
Format: 2 hours with varying content and activities.

This is a youth community building activity. The goal is to keep it interesting and engaging while increasing the Catholic faith of the youth. We don’t want the youth to feel they are going to school. Activities should be designed so they have opportunities to socialize and develop Catholic friendships, which in-turn will give them the desire to want to continue to participate and encourage them to invite others to do the same.

The format for each week can change and is dependent on the Team leading that week and the Youth Minister. It is our challenge to educate the youth in creative ways without being boring or mundane! Each meeting should allow for 10 minutes at the end for prayer. In keeping with the pastor’s guidance to be a Eucharistic-centered parish, the Youth Group will participate in two Eucharistic Adorations each semester.

Youth Minister- Deacon Greg Tavarez,