The main objective of the Young Adult Ministry is to create and facilitate relationships between young adults in the St. Anne and St. Jude Parish. Each of the Young Adult events will be intentional and will include some aspect of building a relationship with one another.Each event will also facilitate learning about the Catholic faith in a safe environment. Young adults will be encouraged to evangelize what they learn to friends, family, and people in their own social circles outside of church.

The Young Adult Ministry has 3 main goals:

  1. Create a sustainable ministry that will be carried on past this fiscal school year.
  2. Facilitate community outreach and relationship building through reaching out to ther ministries at the parish. That includes building relationships with fellow young adults in the ministry.
  3. Bring awareness to the many ministries and groups a young adult can be apart of and how that fits into their faith and individual values.

Deacon Greg Tavarez,